Saturday, January 08, 2011

Learning about Islam

I have a lot of opinions. If you haven't heard any of them, please feel free to ask. I would be happy to share! Of course, I also believe strongly in education. I think it's important to put the two together. You may not agree with me on everything...nor I with you...but I can respect your argument more if you have done some research on it.

Growing up, I also had opinions. I knew what I believed about gay people, religion, teen moms, poverty, and any other controversial issue. Once I moved to Dallas and met people who fit into every category I had already formed opinions about, my thoughts and opinions began changing. I began learning that everything is not as it appears on the surface. As a result, I have tried to challenge myself to be involved in various situations (that are sometimes uncomfortable). Invariably, what usually happens is once in the situation, I realize that the things we form such strong opinions are much different than we have created in our mind. I have learned to love these new experiences and love how they challenge my own opinions.

I started my New Year off right by going with a friend of mine to the Mosque. Since I had never been before, I wasn't sure what to tell people I was doing. I mean, I usually tell people I'm going to church if I go to a religious function. So, I asked my friends, "What do you guys say you're going to?" To which they replied, "We're going to mosque." Duh. It's no different. Just a different word.

My friend's wife allowed me to wear one of her abiyas. Some people wear western clothes with a head covering, but the majority wear the complete abiya, which is a beautiful dress-like covering that has a wrap that goes over and around the head. All women must have their head covered. 

It didn't occur to me that we would be separated into men and women so I was really glad that my friend's wife was going as well. Otherwise, I would have had no idea what to do! When we walked in, we removed our shoes at the door (there is a place for shoes). We (the women) went in a different entrance than the men. There was a cleansing place for people who haven't done their ceremonial cleansing before prayers. I learned there is a very specific ritual that goes along with that cleansing. We walked up the stairs to sit in a room that had lines taped to the floor so we would know where to sit (no benches or seats). Most people were kneeling already. Some were praying in preparation for the service. My friend's wife and I sat in the back since she had a child. She was great about explaining everything to me. 

Though the service was done in English and Arabic (though many people in the mosque don't understand Arabic any more than I do), I started realizing, "Wait a minute! This sounds like the sermons I heard growing up!"

The preacher, priest, speaker (...hmmm...I don't know what he was called) talked about the daily prayers Muslims are expected to do. He challenged the audience. "Do you even know what you're praying?!" and challenged them to not just allow prayer to become a ritual but that they really be meaningful prayers.

I remember sermons like that! In our church, they used to talk about how the service had become so ritual...two songs, prayer, sermon, two songs. They challenged us to take to heart the words of the songs and not just sing what we had memorized from childhood.

As we were leaving the service, we stopped because someone was saying something over the speakers. My friend explained to me that someone was just converting to Islam and was saying the standardized vows.

We have that, too! At the end of each service, people are asked to come forward and repent or convert. When they do, they are asked specific questions, "Do you believe in the son of God?" I can't remember the other things they tell them, but it was very similar to what we were listening to over the speaker!

As we walked out, people were hanging out talking with each other and catching up with their friends.

On the way home, my friends asked me what questions I had. We talked about some of the things that occurred and I will probably ask more questions as I think about them. If I want, the mosque is open on Sundays from 1:30-2:30 specifically for people to go in, ask questions, and learn about Islam (there's a sign in front of the mosque saying this).

Though there are some differences (like wearing head coverings and separating men and women...which makes a lot of sense to prevent distractions), the biggest and most important thing I learned from my experience is that "mosque" is not that different from "church." My friends are people of faith just as I am. The difference is the venue we choose, not the faith we profess.


Christa said...

I read your blog almost every time you post. You always make me think - sometimes even days later, I am still thinking about something you wrote. ;o) So much of what you write resonates with me because like you, I live in an area of minority and extreme poverty.

Today's blog made me cry. I can't help but think that I needed to hear another spiritually faithful friend say the things you did today!

Years ago, I asked Kris's grandmother why the Catholic church recites prayers, when you could be saying one of your own heartfelt prayers. I will never forget her response -

Kris's Grandmother:
Have you never heard a more beautiful prayer than the Lord's Prayer? I haven't. When I pray - I try to pray like this prayer.
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name - every time I pray, I call of the name of the Lord.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven - I don't know about you, but every time I pray I need the reminder that my prayer is not just about me - but about God's will. My prayer is always that I recognize God's will for what it is and not me projecting what I want or feel it should be.

Give us this day our daily bread - Here is where I thank God for all the wonderful blessing He has given me.

Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us - I repeat this prayer a hundred times a day. If we all did this one, wouldn't the world be a better place?

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. - We all need the protection from Satan as we go through our days.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen - Then another reminder that this is not all about me, but it is about glorifying God and his power for we are nothing. We are His.

Then she told me that when she says her own prayers, this is how she models her own prayer, but when words are hard to come by, she says the Lord's Prayer.

After that conversation, my views of religion, faith, belief began to change.

I really believe your words - "My friends are people of faith just as I am. The difference is the venue we choose, not the faith we profess."

Thank you, Friend! ;o)

Janet Morrison-Lane said...

First of all, thanks for always reading. I go on writing sabbaticals not sure of what or why I'm writing. So it's always good to hear comments like my writing makes people think. That is probably the best comment anyone could give me. Thanks! :)

Thanks, as well, for sharing the story about Kris's grandmother. That was a great sermon/lesson for me this Sunday morning.

The faith we were taught as kids was strong...and I'm so glad I have that as a foundation. However, the faith I can learn as an adult opens me to learning and understanding about so many other faiths and people. I'm becoming more and more at peace with combining the two and taking the best of both.

Good to hear from you! :)

Caroline said...

Since you asked, I would love to hear your opinions :) (Referring to your first few sentences.)

Esp about religion....Is it wrong if I choose to become Muslim? Will I go to heaven if I become a Muslim?

Anonymous said...

I do want to add that I think its great you went with your friend to Mosque.

Janet Morrison-Lane said...

In response to your question, I think whether or not you become a Muslim and whether or not you will go to heaven if you become a Muslim is a personal choice and personal belief that each individual has to discover for themselves. I haven't learned enough to know what heaven is for Muslims, but I believe they probably have their heaven just like Christians do.