Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life lessons from Tim Russert

I believe everyone deserves to find something they're good at.

Tim Russert was someone I watched every Sunday morning. Though I find politics very interesting, some political discussions are dry. Not Tim Russert. He was interesting--He brought together important people...He challenged...He laughed.

As I watched Meet the Press after Tim Russert passed, the heartfelt comments moved me.

Evidently, Russert had some other options that could have launched his career into a more prestigious and visible political role. But Russert said he had found his calling. Instead of thinking of his Meet the Press role as "less than," his passion and drive shone through and launched him into a prestigious light that he probably never anticipated.

Tim Russert found what he was good at.

Sometimes other people have ideas of what would make us great. Sometimes we buy into their visions for us and think those visions are more important than what we currently enjoy. What matters is what makes us truly happy.

When we are doing something we enjoy, we become great...regardless of what the world thinks.

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