Friday, February 12, 2010

The Day After Snowmaggedon

Yesterday it snowed...and it snowed...and it snowed. At 9:00 I was calling friends in Missouri explaining that it had been snowing all day long...and still hadn't stopped!

I woke up this morning to tweets saying we had a record 12 inches of snow! I could hear my neighbors talking outside so I walked outside to see...


When I was invited down the street to take pictures of the fun in the snow, I realized our entire street had been blocked off on both sides by the police trying to protect people from running into the (assumably live) power line laying across the street and sitting in puddles of water underneath the downed tree. I don't think I've ever said this before, but THANKS, DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT! They've been stationed out there all day long...and are still there at 8:00 p.m....waiting on Oncor to show up to fix the lines.

So what happens the day after the most amazing snow day in Dallas' history??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your pics are GREAT!!! It looks like you all had a blast!